
They're Random, Baby!

Tips and Tricks

Various | Locked Door Antics on Silent Cartographer

This trick has been around for quite a while - but it's never been properly documented. The earliest reference I could find for it came from Commando_BOB, who posted this note on the HBO Forum on January 25, 2002:
we drove the warthog down the were they lock the door and just befor a grunt died he threw a grenade it fliped me out of the warthog and through the locked door and i was fine except for some sheild damage from the grenade.

A couple of weeks later, Nemesis 007 pinned down the technique on Sidewinder - check out the Sidewinder Sneak trick for details. It popped up again, in various forms, over the next couple of months, but it wasn't until April 5 that Bluespam got pictures. Frogblast kindly supplemented Bluespam's screenshots with video footage - with the added bonus of a not-fully-textured Gold Elite on the inside! (Check him out - he's got a matte finish!) A day later, xbill added his contribution to the mix - through the locked door, WITHOUT a partner to help push! (This is a direct application of the sidewinder sneak trick, as opposed to an assisted application.) He, too, discovered a braindead gold elite on the inside - apparently, the guy's not scripted to do anything until you unlock the door the RIGHT way (or activate the Cartographer).

The key to this trick is simple - you must be forced through the door by placing your body in a place already occupied (according to the physics engine) by something else - this can be done with a grenade (as per Commando_BOB), a slow-moving vehicle (as per Bluespam/Frogblast - be careful with this; if you leave too much space between the jeep and the MC, you'll simply die instead of being pushed through the door), or a fast-moving vehicle and the enter/exit animation (as per xbill). See where else you can apply this!

Bluespam's Locked Door Pics

halo_1.jpg halo_2.jpg halo_3.jpg halo_4.jpg
halo_5.jpg halo_6.jpg halo_7.jpg halo_8.jpg

Demonstration Movies

twoplayer.jpg oneplayer.jpg backthrough.jpg
360x240 | 1.3 mb | 0:15
two-player in

352x240 | 1.2 mb | 0:06
one-player in

352x240 | 1.8 mb | 0:12
one-player out

Bonus Movies (click images for descriptions)

straighton.jpg cutsceneteaser.jpg
320x240 | 1.8 mb | 0:14

352x240 | 1.2 kb | 0:09
Security Cutscene Action

Click the frames above to see the movies. Or, option-click (right-click on a PC) on the small descriptions to download them directly to your hard drive.

All movies are in QuickTime 5 format.

Trick documentation courtesy of Bluespam, OSX2000, xbill, and Frogblast. Bandwidth for movies courtesy of Brian Towne.

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