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The Battle of the 13th Sector Chapter 1
Posted By: Fleet Admiral<fleetadmiral4@yahoo.com>
Date: 11 November 2004, 3:08 AM
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1800 Hours June, 9 2529 (Military Calendar) / Reach Military Complex, Planet Reach/ UNSC Yamato- class Cruiser Tyrant, Flagship of Rear- Admiral Kennedy
Rear- Admiral Shay Kennedy watched as the cruiser Tyrant came into the docking area for the repair yards over the planet Reach, the UNSC headquarters.
It was a month ago when Harvest had been taken back, as well as the death of Captain Michel Gearhart. His flagship was due for a refit since she had not had one in four years. On her once strait smooth hull were now four large dents from battle damage.
After the final battle in Harvest she was given basic repairs and ordered back to Reach.
Vice- Admiral Cole on the other hand went to Rheinland, the headquarters for the outer colonies fleet. It was the closes major military base.
He went there on a carrier because of the Zeus's condition. Last Kennedy saw of her was before he and the remaining ships in his original fleet headed back to Reach was being towed to a repair yard at the Harvest System HQ Station. She would need better facilities then that though.
Cole has been hailed a hero. The Covenant were beaten. Only it took then four years to do it and we even outnumbered the enemy three to one; and we still lost a little over a third of the fleet. Even though this was a victory, Kennedy felt it was just the beginning of a long, bloody war.
The mighty cruiser was now coming into the repair facilities area over Reach.
"Hail the dock master," Kennedy ordered.
"Hailing," Captain Lauber replied. "Dock master responding."
"On holotank three," Kennedy said.
The face of a captain came up. "Admiral, we've been expecting you. You may dock to platform nine."
"Very well," Kennedy said.
"Welcome home," the dock master said with a smile and he went off the screen.
"Dock us to platform nine," Kennedy ordered.
"Roger sir," the helm officer said. "Docking to platform nine."
The cruiser came about and lined up the huge platform. This type was specially made for heavy cruisers.
The ship came into the platform and stopped.
"Turn off the engines and the reactor," Kennedy ordered.
"Engines are down," Ops reported. "Reactor down."
Kennedy heard the clamps lock onto the Tyrant, locking her in place. Scaffolds came down around the ship to prepare for repair and refit.
"Sir, I am getting a transmission from UNSC HQ," the comm officer reported. "Admiral Carson is calling for you."
Admiral Carson was commander of the First Sector Fleet stationed at Reach itself.
Kennedy rose and said, "I'll take it in my ready room." He walked of the bridge and into his ready room. He sat down in the chair and activated his computer. The face of Admiral Carson came up.
He was an older man. He was bald in the middle with white hair going around to the back of his head and his hazel eyes were alert.
He saluted the admiral who saluted him back.
"Admiral Kennedy," Carson said. "How are you doing?"
"Fine sir," Kennedy lied. The truth was he felt tired even with the sleep he received in cryo stasis. He also kept thinking about the campaign.
"That is good," Carson replied. "Welcome back to Reach. Glad to be home?"
"Yes sir," Kennedy said.
"Good," Carson replied. "There is a banquet tonight at Jellico Hall. I would like you to come."
"Thank you sir," Kennedy said. "I would be honored to attend."
"Good," Carson said with a small smile. "Come in at 2100 hours."
"Yes sir," Kennedy replied. "I'll be there."
"See you there, Carson out," and the screen went blank.
For the next hour and a half Kennedy organized shore leave for much of the crew. They all needed it and deserved it. They hadn't received it in four years.
After that Kennedy donned his black dress uniform. It had been a long time since he had worn it or a uniform with any awards on it. He had forgotten how many ribbons he had, five full rows of ribbons with two senior ribbons on top. On his right side, opposite the ribbons, above his name tag were four unit citations.
With that he went to the hangar. It was full of activity. He went over to a shuttle and got in. Usually an admiral did not ferry himself around, but he felt like doing it himself.
He put the shuttle on a decent burn through the atmosphere and popped through. He then set a course for Port Arthur Landing Center. After landing he took a M12 LRV, "Warthog", to Jellico Hall.
The last time he had been in Jellico Hall was when he was a captain getting the promotion to admiral.
The hall was huge with a dome center with the UNSC colors flying on top of it, a blue flag with a field of stars with Earth in the corner.
Kennedy entered the hall to see it hull of activity. Waiters took food to people, the ones with dates danced to the band that was playing.
As he entered an Ensign came up to him and said, "Admiral Kennedy? Admiral Carson wants you to sit up at the head table with him."
"Very well," Kennedy said.
He made his way through the crowd to the head table in front of the stage.
As he came up the other admiral's there rose.
"Admiral Kennedy," Carson said. "Please sit."
Kennedy sat.
"Would you like a drink admiral," a waiter asked as he sat.
"Is Senior Chief Montgomery still working the kitchen," Kennedy asked the waiter.
"Yes sir," the waiter said. "He is a Master Chief now."
"Well," Kennedy said. "Tell him that Admiral Kennedy is here and to bring me the bottle of scotch he has been saving for me."
"Yes sir," the waiter said. "I will."
After an hour of talking with the other admiral's and sipping on the scotch Admiral Carson rose and went up onto the stage.
The band stopped and everyone took their seats.
"Good evening everyone," Carson said. "I am glad you could all make it. We have had a victory over the Covenant in the Harvest System as you all know. We have all read the reports and have seen footage, but tonight I have someone here who was there. Who fought with Cole for all four years and was second in command of the fleet there. Rear- Admiral Shay Kennedy would you come up."
Everyone clapped as Kennedy rose and started to walk up the stage. It felt different being on planet again after spending four years in space.
He went up to Carson who said, "Talk a little about Harvest."
Kennedy came up to the microphone and said, "Thank you everyone."
The clapping stopped.
"It fells good to be back on Reach again after spending four years in space. As you all know I served with Admiral Cole in all four years of the Harvest Campaign. I'll tell you all this, I have never fought an enemy like the Covenant before. They're ships are powerful and damn hard to destroy. Many good men and women died in the battle for that system. I am really not very good at public speaking, so are there any questions?"
He looked and saw that only one man raised his hand, a captain.
"Yes," Kennedy said.
"What is it like fighting the Covenant," the captain asked.
"Hard," Kennedy replied. "Their ships have shields, lasers, and plasma torpedoes. On average, it takes three MAC rounds to take the shield down and one of two more to put it down for good. While their plasma torpedoes can destroy a UNSC ship in one or two hits. More depending on where it hits or what type of ship you're in. They are years more advanced than we are. If the ship becomes disabled it will self destruct rather than be captured. They also will not give up. They either kill everything or die trying. To the last ship."
Everyone in the room was silent after hearing this. Then he turned to Admiral Carson and said, "I believe that is all sir."
"Not exactly," Carson said and walked over to him. "It is my pleasure to promote you to the rank of Vice Admiral and give you another fleet to go to the 13th Sector in the outer colonies. The commander there has been killed and the battle in that sector is going against us. We want you to go there and fight the Covenant. The fleet already there will also be under your command."
Carson came up to Kennedy and took off the two gold stars for Rear Admiral and pined on the three gold stars for Vice Admiral.
Carson and Kennedy shook hands and with that Kennedy now held the rank of Vice Admiral.
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