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Multiplayer, lame indeed
Posted By: Axim<wolf_mischa@yahoo.com>
Date: 20 October 2007, 10:41 pm
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Capture the flag.
Out of nowhere, absolutely suddenly, there was a man, dressed in Blue body armour, wearing a helmed with a wide visor on it, overall the suit looked the same, very blue and the same shade of dark blue all over. In his both hands he held a weapon, a metal colored pistol, his arms where fully stretched and he held his pistol straight in front of him. For a moment he just stood there. Than he ran to his front right, his upper body as stiff as a plank. Jumping of this round building with a hole in the middle of the roof slash second floor, a steep way up on both sides and a small entrance on the front and back and with this green glowing doorway in the front center on the second floor and with small flat low pillars with blue orbs in them. The man in blue landed on the brown ground the building stood on without even giving a centimeter of bend to his knees and without lowering his arms. He ran straight at this car with a large gun on its back, one bar connecting the front window with the back half of the car and open doorways, big tires with huge traction texture on them, on the front between two large white headlights where these average size tusks and the whole thing had this dark green and metal color to it. He got to it, his pistol disappeared, he got his right arm toward the car but about half a meter away it seemed like he was miming. as if the air lifted him up he went into the car and his hands went onto the steering wheel like they where sucked tight onto them.
Looking to his left the tires followed and as he apparently had started the engine upon getting in and he hit the gas he made a turn left, totally slipping his back-wheels into over steer. he got on his way, riding over these small brown and flat but grass texture hills about a story high and the pointy hills seemed to not effect his very slippery driving style into crashing. After every hill he would bump into the ground and just drive on, his neck seemed stiff besides looking to the turn he made. Blue orbs came from his left. There was this purple thing hovering on a hill he was about to ride over, it had these square black guns just on either side of the nose and these wide and anti streamline short wings and behind it sat a guy just like him, an exact copy, only totally red, not to bright red though. More orbs came the blue guys way. The first few missed but than they began to hit, adjusting from the ones before them. Black marks appeared everywhere these orbs faded against upon impact, which was just the near-sudden face. Suddenly the sound of the car's engines and a near sci-fi orb shooting sound associated with indeed the blue orbs got just a bit to loud.
For a moment it was a pain to the ears but than it was rapidly silenced and brought back up to a volume associated with watching tv just a bit to loud because they where whispering for a second. The car stopped after the last hill near another blue guy. The second blue guy looked at the car, holding what seemed like a shotgun in front of him a bit to the right. He ran to the car and got on the big gun on the car's back, also miming his way up only touching the car as he glued his hands to the triggers and his feet to the platform that gun stood on so it could turn left and right. They started driving again and within a few meters they got to this red version copy of the blue colored building the first blue got started at. The Second blue guy opened fire on this running of the building as if he was still on solid ground and also landed without impact. As the flash from the car's gun spit horizontal flashes at the red guy walk-falling of the building a electric yellow glow randomly -as if putting a liter liquid on another, making a random pattern with gaps exposing the heavier liquid to the surface- surrounded him for a moment and he seemed to be fine after the flashes, clearly supposing to be bullets had impacted and the yellow glow disappeared until another bullet hit.
The red guy opened fire on the car with a exact same gun as the car driver had. Driving around the building the driver and gunner got the same yellow flashes as the car got hit, like the car transfered the damage to the people on it. As they drove around it one and a half time they stopped at the back exit and the driver got out of the car. His pistol popped back into his hands. He went into the building, coming at a wall leading him left or right to get in the center of the building. He took the left way and got to where a large gun lay to one wall, a weird smooth bend blue weapon like a handle and these small streamlined biker helmets on both ends, one larger than the other and two shotguns to the opposing walls on the sides, in the center of the room stood his red flag. Aiming his pistol and head down to the ground the blue guy walked over a shotgun on the left and suddenly the shotgun was in his hands as the was nowhere in sight. The shotgun suddenly disappeared like the pistol did, it now being back in his hands. He walked over the weird weapon and it was suddenly in his hands while the pistol fell the ground.
He looked up again and walked at the red flag. Suddenly the pistol disappeared yet again and he held the flag in front of him. Running back the way he came at the same phase as always he got out of the building where just after a bang sounded his car was flipped on its back and the gunner now stood behind it. Running back into the building he went to the front entrance and got out, turned right, running along the building up a steep side and got onto the building. Running over odd blue balls that disappeared and he went at the green door, disappearing into it.
He now found himself midway the trip back, on foot. He ran to the building he started at, going left and right on and on while going around the hills. Suddenly the purple hovering vehicle ran him over from his back, as the yellow flash appeared, this time like it left him while fading he fell to the ground along with the flag, the shotgun, the weird weapon and the blue ball. He found himself next to the blue building again, with the pistol in his hands. In small letters in the corner of his visor the sentence read: 'Metal Wolff 117 was killed by Himself.
After a second the next sentence was added: N00b killler: road rage!!!!11'
A 'Axim>' appeared a bunch of enters below it and letter per letter a sentence appeared: 'Cheap, reall cheap, camper'
The words joined the ones above it now just one line below them.
'N00b killler: its a ligi.. something stragety'
The blue guy, apparently named 'Axim', what ever that meant, began walking toward the back of their building, or 'base', what ever be it, and mimicked himself onto and into this large vehicle Called a scorpion tank, its appearance explaining the 'scorpion' part about it, though only in its main canon, it had no claws on its side. The tank started humming and drove to its left, the canon following its every turn just like Axim's head did in the car. He drove onto the first hill and upon spotting the purple hover vehicle He got his canon barrel facing it and with a bang a white stripe began just in front of the canon, making its way to the vehicle and making a big explosion. The line faded like unrealistic smoke and a dot appeared, than another, and another before they disappeared. The canon fired again as it missed its target the first time, it had hovered to its right. This blast flipped it on its back, the red guy on it got on its feet as yellow sparks faded around him. To Axim's shock the red guy had a large round long on on his left shoulder. It shot a slow large rocket at the tank that was just able to drive back and to its left and dodge the rocket wushing by. Another rocket went for him but this one Axim dodged by driving to its front right. Opening fire with this pipe that stuck out a square black hole in its grunt the red guy began to strafe, the parts of his body getting hit went back and forth way to fast and he did not really seem to care for his wounds, finally he fell to the ground, dropping all he had as is his pockets just disappeared or got ripped open by the bullets he died from.
'N00b Killler was killed by Axim.'
'Himself was killed by alittlegirl.'
Axim drove his tank up the next hill, but it slipped his sight that from the spot he ended up at after going trough the green door a blue orb, glowing as if on fire made its rainbow orbit to Axim's tank and landed on it. A blast of blue dust came from the orb and Axim got the yellow fading thing again. Looking to his left he saw a red guy approach, jumping every time he landed. He threw another blue orb at the tank but Axim dodged the orb like he did the rockets. Than he fired his main canon, it missed the red guy simply because it went to low and hit the hill in front of the red guy. As the second orb exploded behind him Axim got out of the tank, aimed his pistol to the top of the red guys head now that he had stopped jumping to take aim with a long black weapon with a scope on it. Axim fired four times and as stripes like smaller versions of the tank's canon fire missed Axim in its strafes the red guy turned around one time and dropped to the ground.
He turned to the red base heading again and saw a car like the one he drove coming at him. He stepped to the left and the car missed him. The car turned around, only a driver seemed in it. Axim dodged it again and threw a tetris-version-of-round brown grenade at the ground in front of himself. The car went from him again and it driving over the grenade was times with its explosion, launching the nose up and flipping it over. The driver landing out of it. Axim ran at him and smalled him with his pistol. The red guy fell to the ground like a sack of boneless and Axim flipped his pistol, catching it again. He walked to the car left unmanned and got in. He started driving toward the red base when suddenly he lost control and finally just slammed into the building, beside a crash kind of sound the impact left not a scratch to either the car, the wall or Axim.
'Connection lost' appeared as the screen turned from the game into a galaxy with a ring floating around next to a brownish planet.
"Freakin windows eighty-nine!"