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Halo 2 the Comedy by Mr. GotBeans
Halo 2 the Comedy:Cairo Station part 1: Home Field Advantage
Date: 20 July 2005, 2:24 am
Private Jacob Warner stepped out of the service tram and onto the cold, metal deck near the bridge. He glanced around for two seconds to gather his thoughts: he had not been to the bridge before. As he turned to see Private Gonzolaz step out of the tram, he noticed a large, green figure stepping out of the bridge. He was unmistakably the Master Chief. How could one man defy all odds and destroy an entire Covenant armada, let alone a whole planet? He'd have to think about it later.
Warner gripped his M7 Sub-machine gun in one had as he rubbed the scar on his left check with the other. He had gotten it when he accidentally shot off his pistol in Fort Dix in the mess hall, not only cracking his jaw but also taking out the pot of chili they were serving for lunch. Mmm
chili Warner thought to himself.
"Good to see you Master Chief", Private Maria Gonzolaz said, breaking Jacobs concentration on food. He snapped his head up and watched as Master Chief ran down the stairs to the weapon boxes that were located there, secured a Battle Rifle and SMG and followed sergeants Johnson and Stacker through the door to his right.
"Are you coming?" Gonzolaz questioned as she stared at Warner.
"Oh, uh, yeah, sure, whatever." Jacob replied still in a state of minor shock seeing the big MC. He hustled to the stairs and was about to leap down the first six as Maria did but tripped at the last moment and fell down them, landing on his face.
"Ow, that hurt", he said, rubbing his chin. He pushed himself up and walked carefully down the second six steps following Gonzolaz to where Master Chief and the sergeants went. He walked in the large room that had transparent blue work screens attached to keypads placed in rows of four.
Warner looked up to the gold and gunmetal gray door to see the center glowing bright orange only to explode outward a second later. He took cover behind one of the workstations and watched as three orange armored Grunts poured out of the opening in the wall, followed by a blue armored Elite. Sergeant Johnson started firing the M247 "Hornet" heavy machine gun turret he had positioned on top of the stairs. Master Chief also opened up with his BR55 and the first wave off Covenant went down in a matter of seconds and a pool of their own blood. Another wave with the same numbers came though the doorway, crushing the corpses of their fallen comrades. Warner turned to see a Grunt's head explode as it took a 7.62 round right in the forehead. He stepped out from behind cover to fire a short burst at an Elite as the Master Chief ducked to reload. The rounds from Warner's gun bounced off the Elites shield harmlessly, but it turned its head long enough for Sergeant Stacker to finish it off with three shots with his Magnum. Just as the last grunt had fallen, two Elites carrying duel Plasma Pistols came to the edge of the above walk way. Just as one was about to fire, Master Chief stood up and said, "Wait, how the hell did you get up there?"
"Uh, I don't know, we just appeared here", the Elite on the left replied.
"Really, you just appeared up there"
"Yeah, we were just sitting on the Gluteus Maximums drinking tea, and poof, where here.
"Oh, okay, just checking. Carry on."
"That's alright. Oh yes, where were we. Ah, right. Wort Wort Wort!" the Elite replied as he and his friend jumped off the platform, guns blazing. Warner opened up with his SMG, dropping one of the Elites shields only to have the Elite killed by a Battle Rifle burst from the Master Chief. Warner continued firing on the other Elite, taking a plasma bolt to the chest in the process. He stumbled and winced, but continued firing, only to have the same result happen as before.
"Oh you kill stealing fuckwad!" he yelled at the Master Chief.
"Leave the cursing to the professionals son" , Sergeant Stacker yelled behind him. He turned back to Master Chief and watched as he dragged two fingers across lower part of his helmet; the ODST sign for a smile.
"Yeah, real funny", Warner didn't say, but instead faked a smile. Gonzolaz walked up to him and pulled out her medical pouch. "Go on Chief, we'll meet you up ahead", she said as she took out some bio-foam and started nursing Jacob's wound.