Update on the last 24 hours! (Nov 12, 0700 hours - Nov 13, 0700 hours PST)
New members | +5 | Total members | 124 |
Results received in last 24 hours | Today's team total | Yesterday's team total |
331 | 6378 | 6047 |
Note: while the team's units went up by 331 the sum of all
individual team members' units is 436.
We lost a whopping 105 units!
CPU time in last 24 hours | Today's CPU time | Yesterday's CPU time |
0.65 years | 13.03 years | 12.38 years |
New entrants to the top 100 in the last 24 hours.
Name | Total units |
Wetsponge | 135 |
Tom Bridge | 73 |
Ethan Soutar-Rau | 36 |
Top seven unit submitters in the last 24 hours (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)
Order | Name | Units (24hrs) | Total Units | Average CPU time per unit |
1) | Jjaro Computer, Inc. | 49 | 213 | 4 hr 50 min 14.1 sec |
2) | cae | 17 | 388 | 17 hr 10 min 47.3 sec |
3) | Traxus | 12 | 184 | 17 hr 55 min 58.1 sec |
4) | Frigidman | 10 | 168 | 10 hr 21 min 05.1 sec |
5) | Andreas Andersson Brian Towne scrain | all with 4 | NA | NA |
6) | Steevil Revelation Manus Celer Dei stephenb | all with three 3 | NA | NA |
7) | ghalidrim haloground.org Forensic Goatbag Jiss SiliconDream Soviet Zwaska | all with 2 | NA | NA |
Top seven climbers in the last 24 hours (excludes non-named team members and new recruits)
Order | Name | Positions climbed | New rank | Old rank |
1) | Jjaro Computer, Inc. | 4 | 6 | 10 |
2) | ||||
3) | ||||
4) | ||||
5) | ||||
6) | ||||
7) | ||||
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